At Jonah’s Call our vision is to join in a Gospel movement that brings flourishing to our city as we worship God, love our neighbors, and shape culture. Our Pattern of Life is how we do that together.
Jonah’s Call has a distinctive way of doing church. We don’t offer lots of programs to attract people. We don’t seek to supply the demands of church shoppers. Instead we have a focused, positive vision of what a Gospel-shaped life together might look like, and we invite people to participate with us in the rhythm of that life.
Here’s how it works: For each of the three main parts of our Gospel mission—to worship God, to love our neighbors, and to shape culture—we have a corporate practice that we all do together as a congregation and an individual practice that we each do as individuals. And the rhythm of those six practices makes up our Pattern of Life as a church. It’s that simple.
If you’re wondering how to try it out or where to start, just jump right in! If you hang around Jonah’s Call long enough, you’ll sense the rhythm of our life together. Part of the beauty of our Pattern of Life is that it provides multiple inroads for people to be a part of what God is doing among us.
Of course the most definitive practice of any church’s rhythm of life is gathering on the Lord’s Day to worship God in Word and Sacrament, so we’d love to see you Sunday!